Guest Blog: Planting to Enhance your Garden Buildings

Guest Blog: Planting to Enhance your Garden Buildings

One of the joys of employing professionals to design, plan and build your outdoor structure is that they will position it sensitively within your garden space. But what happens next? You can easily enhance your outdoor building by bringing the garden even closer. Here...
The Summer of Gardens: What will you make?

The Summer of Gardens: What will you make?

If your summer holidays are approaching and your garden is feeling a little bare, it could be time to start thinking about what outdoor projects you’ve got planned for the longer days. This could be the year that you decide to work from home or get fit, maybe you want...
Save money and the environment with an eco-friendly build

Save money and the environment with an eco-friendly build

The last few months have given us one of the coldest winters in decades and as the temperatures plummeted, many homeowners were seeing their energy bills move just as fast in the other direction. Cold weather is expensive and keeping yourself warm when your home isn’t...
The granny annexe: caring for relatives closer to home

The granny annexe: caring for relatives closer to home

We all need a little help sometimes and caring for elderly relatives is something that many people wish they could do a little closer to home. By 2029 it is predicted that nearly 40% of the UK’s population will be over 50 and whilst the majority of the older...
Bring work closer to home with a garden office

Bring work closer to home with a garden office

New figures from the Office for National Statistics have recently revealed that there has been an increase in the number of people working from home. Over the last decade a growing percentage of employees have chosen to ditch the commute and bring their working life...