TG Escapes End of Year Report

TG Escapes End of Year Report

TG Escapes would like to wish you all a very happy and exciting new year. At this time of reflection on what has been in 2016 and anticipation of what is to come in 2017, we would like to share with you just some of the projects with which it has been our pleasure and...
Another School Year Nearing Its End

Another School Year Nearing Its End

For those of you working in the independent school sector, you will already be enjoying your well-earned summer break, whilst those in the state sector will be keenly looking forward to yours. Time to recharge the batteries and reflect on the year’s triumphs and...
How could you make use of a modular school building?

How could you make use of a modular school building?

As many schools are experiencing growth in the number of pupils, they are increasingly finding that every available space within the main school building has been used for additional classroom capacity. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that there is...