Case Study

Eco-Nursery at Angels By Day Nursery Springfield

Building type: Early Years
Project price: £76,000
Completion date:

We wanted to facilitate free flow play for our nursery age children and to create a flexible space for our Out of School Club. Having worked with TG Escapes before, we were impressed by the quality of the build and their responsive design capability. The latter feature proved to come in very handy upon the discovery of a hitherto unknown drain running under the site. Creative design eventually provided a building which has generated real excitement in our children, especially our OOSC members who love sitting outside on the veranda to have tea!

Angels by Day Nursery Springfield.JPG

Angels by Day Nursery Springfield - internal.JPG

“A designated Out of School Club  area has generated a real excitement in our school age children - especially the idea of sitting on the veranda to have tea!”
Fiona Day